[eduVPN-deploy] updated statistics

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Wed Jan 17 14:57:46 CET 2018


With the components released today we've updated the statistics
handling. Before, statistics were "global", i.e. covering all profiles.
The updates split this in having statistics per profile.

Because the underlying statistics format changed, the statistics don't
work until the next time the statistics cron runs, which is typically
scheduled around midnight if you deployed using the "deploy.sh" script.
If you don't mind waiting for that, you don't need to do anything!

If you want to manually regenerate the statistics and make them work
immediately run this:

$ sudo -u apache /usr/bin/vpn-server-api-stats

Now the new stats will be visible in the "admin" portal.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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