[eduVPN-deploy] RPM (CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux / Fedora) Repositories Moved

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Thu May 3 01:06:43 CEST 2018


With the ongoing effort to "rebrand" the *software* to Let's Connect!
(instead of eduVPN) the RPM repository moved to the
https://repo.letsconnect-vpn.org domain. This currently does NOT affect
the Debian repository.

Just to make clear, the software itself was never "eduVPN-specific" and
always remained neutral. This move is one of the first steps to create a
clear distinction between the software project (Let's Connect!) and the
service (eduVPN).

In addition to the move, the package signing key was updated as the old
one was about to expire.

Also, as of new Fedora >= 28 is officially support as well, next to
CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Supporting Fedora is important to
anticipate coming changes to CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux to make
sure everything remains compatible with "the latest and greatest" and to
make a smooth migration to CentOS 8 possible right on release date.

All documentation [1] was updated to reflect the repository change. If
you are currently using the "old" repository, as everyone who deployed
on CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux is, you can perform the following
steps to upgrade:

Add the new repository:

    $ curl -L -O
    $ sudo cp LC.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/LC.repo

Wherever new packages will be released the new public key will be
installed automatically.

You can then also delete the old eduVPN repository and public key:

    $ sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/eduVPN.repo
    $ sudo rpm --erase gpg-pubkey-1babf91a-59678982

For Fedora there is no upgrade path, as it was so far not supported. If
you want to deploy on Fedora, please follow the instructions [2] on a
fresh Fedora 28 installation.


[1] https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/#deployment
[2] https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/blob/master/DEPLOY_FEDORA.md

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