[eduVPN-deploy] [2019-12-10] Package Updates

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Tue Dec 10 17:12:21 CET 2019

Hi all,

A slightly bigger update this time:

* vpn-user-portal: 2.1.4 [1]
* vpn-lib-common: 2.0.8 [2]
* vpn-server-api: 2.1.1 [3]
* vpn-server-node: 2.1.1 [4]

We now support "per profile" tls-crypt keys. Until now all profiles used
the same tls-crypt key. On update nothing changes, only new
installations will use a unique tls-crypt key per profile.

The vpn-server-node component now writes everything in a single OpenVPN
server configuration file instead of using external files for ca, key,
cert, tls-crypt.

The `/info.json` URL is now also exposed as
`/.well-known/vpn-user-portal` which does not pollute the global
namespace. From now on this file is generated and no longer a static
file in the web root. One needs to restart Apache in order for these
changes to be picked up. Until such time the old "/info.json" will
remain active.

Also the version of the portal is now exposed through this "/info.json"
and "/.well-known/vpn-user-portal" JSON file.

Let me know if you have any questions!



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