[eduVPN-deploy] Installing Updates

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Thu Sep 10 14:50:22 CEST 2020

Hi all,

There seems to be some confusion regarding installing updates on your
eduVPN / Let's Connect! server.

As a mail from May to this list "New script to apply changes, install
updates" may not have been exactly clear on this, what follows are
recommendations for installing updates on your server.

The instructions below are for when you have eduVPN / Let's Connect!
installed on a *single* server. For multiple servers, the situation is
slightly more complicated. Please reach out if there is a need to
explain this as well for you. We are aware of some deployments using
multiple servers, but we may not know all of them!

1. Make sure vpn-maint-scripts is installed:

CentOS: sudo yum -y install vpn-maint-scripts
Fedora: sudo dnf -y install vpn-maint-scripts
Debian: sudo apt update; sudo apt install vpn-maint-scripts

2. Periodically run "vpn-maint-update-system"

We recommend to *at least* run this script every two weeks and after
reboot your server when needed. This script will install updates to the
eduVPN / Let's Connect! software *as well as OS updates*. So it is the
only script you need to update your system. Furthermore it will update
(OpenVPN) configuration files and restart OpenVPN when needed.

$ sudo vpn-maint-update-system
$ sudo reboot

You can automate this using "cron" for example and run it e.g.
automatically during your maintenance window.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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