[eduVPN-deploy] Initial CentOS 8 / Red Hat Enterprise 8 / Rocky Linux 8 Support

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Fri Jul 23 09:50:32 CEST 2021

Hi all,

Some progress [1] was made regarding being able to support "EL8", i.e. 
CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux 8. Previously we had 
issues [2] (see entire thread) that have not so much been resolved as 
now worked around.

For now this is EXPERIMENTAL and not officially supported. We are 
writing this mail to get some feedback from parties interested in 
deploying on EL8.

We have a working "deploy" script that uses development packages [3], 
but the caveat is that EL8 support requires the Remi RPM repository [4] 
in addition to the EPEL repository. On EL7 only the EPEL repository was 

We have list of all packages that are neither official EL8, nor provided 
by us [5].

So far it seems to work well on a Rocky Linux [6] installation. The 
installation instructions are the same as for deploying on EL7, instead 
of using "deploy_centos.sh" you'd use "deploy_el8_experimental.sh".

So far I noticed some SELinux warnings in the console, that need to be 
investigated, but everything does seem to work!

For organizations wanting to deploy on EL8, would the above be 
acceptable? Can we include the Remi repository? What other alternatives 
would there be? Can you help us test deployments, specifically on Red 
Hat Enterprise 8 and perhaps tell us what is missing from the deploy 
script for that target?



[1] https://forum.remirepo.net/viewtopic.php?id=4297
[4] https://rpms.remirepo.net/
[5] https://paste.sr.ht/~fkooman/cd1791d67299a263bfd03f4c42c11ae04ae369f6
[6] https://rockylinux.org/

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