[eduVPN-deploy] [2021-11-09] Package Updates

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Tue Nov 9 10:49:09 CET 2021

Hi all,

* vpn-user-portal: 2.4.0 [1]
* vpn-server-node: 2.2.11, 2.2.12 [2]
* vpn-lib-common: 2.2.7 [3]

This release introduces initial APIv3 [4] support for eduVPN / Let's 
Connect! 2.x next to the existing APIv2 support. This allows application 
developers to start targeting APIv3 and drop support for APIv2 from 
their application (the current API version) after all servers update to 
vpn-user-portal >= 2.4.0. All current applications, except Let's 
Connect! for macOS/iOS, they will already use APIv3, will keep using 
APIv2 until they are ready to switch transparently to APIv3 without any 
user/admin involvement. The APIv3 is not 100% set in stone and may still 
change in tiny ways, but didn't change in any breaking way in the last 
couple of months.

The new API is a lot simpler to implement than the old one, both on the 
server and in the client application and will also support WireGuard (in 
upcoming eduVPN / Let's Connect! 3.x server).

In addition, we have (partial) support for "excluded routes" that can be 
pushed to VPN clients. This allows for example for routing all traffic 
over the VPN *except* certain prefixes. We are working on fixing a bug 
[5] regarding IPv6 in OpenVPN and support for macOS/iOS [6] to make this 
work in all situations. Currently it only works for IPv4 on Windows, 
Android and Linux.

Let us know if you have any questions, remarks or suggestions!


[4] https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/blob/v2/API_V3.md
[5] https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/1161
[6] https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/tunnelkit/issues/225

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