[eduVPN-deploy] Fixed IP - ccd

Frank Weis Frank.Weis at cgie.lu
Tue Aug 9 10:10:53 CEST 2022

Hi François,

this looks great, I will hopefully get to test this this week. I'm not sure how I can install the development release, will I need to Fedora or EL? Is there a 'guide' for this?

Thanks a lot!!


On 01.08.22 14:59, François Kooman wrote:

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An initial version is available in the development release of the VPN
server and wrote some documentation on how this would work:



On 29.07.22 13:24, François Kooman wrote:
Hi Frank,

Alright! I was currently thinking of going the way of running a shell
script in which you can of course just run curl with the required
parameters, but HTTP request could also work!

We then would have to come up with some kind of 'standard' for how to
perform these requests. Probably should be enforced to be HTTPS, we have
to agree on the names of the POST parameters etc.

I can just make something up and you can adapt to that. Ideally as far
as configuration goes, it would be nice if we only have to configure the
URL, and perhaps 'Basic' or 'Bearer' auth to authenticate to the HTTP
endpoint and not all the parameters :)

Have a nice holiday!


On 29.07.22 13:05, Frank Weis wrote:
Hi François,

it doesn't make a huge difference for us. ssh seemed attractive at
first, as it gives you endless possibilities... However, the more we
thought/talked about it, the more we came to the conclusion that an
*http request with POST* seems the way to go.

   * easier to set up. No need to worry about path, apache's rights etc.
   * we won't have to install anything else on the eduVPN appliance. It's
     all in the config.
   * we won't have to maintain a script on several eduVPN appliances,
     should we ever need several.
   * even if it were a script, we'd probably want the 'call to the
     internal server that does the magic' happen over http(s) because it
     doesn't require opening other, potentially dangerous ports.
   * it probably looks 'cleaner' from the eduVPN developers perspective.

Thanks again! I will be offline until August 9th, so I won't report
before, but I'm excited ;-)


On 29.07.22 12:04, François Kooman wrote:

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Hi Frank,

Perhaps I can just add the code to a release right away, as
"experimental" for example and we can iterate on that as required.

I finished implementing the connect/disconnect hook and it works now for
both OpenVPN and WireGuard and merged in the v3 branch ready for the
next 3.x release.

Would it be better to launch a shell script with some environment
variable set so you can write your own script, or call a HTTP endpoint
with some POST parameters? I'm not really sure what would be better and
easier to support going forward.


On 29.07.22 08:23, Frank Weis wrote:

I have it running on debian11, so I'd have to install a new VM. What
distro would you suggest? I have no preference, as I don't have any
experience with any of the 3.


On 28.07.22 17:42, François Kooman wrote:

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On 28.07.22 14:09, Frank Weis wrote:
Let me know when/how we can test this.

Let me iterate on the design a bit more, had some ideas on how to also
make this work for OpenVPN, and also for portal configuration downloads
(if those are enabled).

Which OS did you deploy on? The development packages are only available
for Fedora and EL (Rocky Linux 9, AlmaLinux 9).



*Frank Weis*
Conseiller informaticien

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Centre de gestion informatique de l’éducation

eduPôle - Walferdange
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.Fax : (+352) 247-85174
E-mail : Frank.Weis at cgie.lu<mailto:Frank.Weis at cgie.lu>
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*Frank Weis*
Conseiller informaticien

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Centre de gestion informatique de l’éducation

eduPôle - Walferdange
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E-mail : Frank.Weis at cgie.lu<mailto:Frank.Weis at cgie.lu>
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Frank Weis
Conseiller informaticien

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Centre de gestion informatique de l’éducation

eduPôle - Walferdange
Route de Diekirch, L-7220 Walferdange
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Tél. Helpdesk: (+352) 247-85999 . Tél. Secrétariat: (+352) 247-85970 .Fax : (+352) 247-85174
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