[eduVPN-deploy] Fixed IP - ccd

François Kooman fkooman at tuxed.net
Tue Jul 26 11:56:52 CEST 2022

On 25.07.22 15:40, Frank Weis wrote:
> Hi François,

Hi Frank!

> Reading your explanations, I think fixed IPs is probably not the best 
> idea, so we are back in a scenario where something needs to happen when 
> the tuple (username, clientIP) is known. Either automatically (the nasty 
> way) by having eduVPN call a custom connect/disconnect script, or, by 
> having trigger something like we do with 'our own' users. We would very 
> much prefer to avoid the latter, as forcing the user to perform two 
> different steps is a lot harder to communicate and support.

So, it seems you are set on modifying firewall rules *per user*, i.e. 
have dynamic firewall changes on user connect / disconnect. I still 
don't think this is a good idea, and having broader user groups with the 
same access would be much better, simpler and more reliable. But yeah, 
sometimes you want what you want ;-)

We do have something in the works that could be repurposed for your 
case. This assumes that you already have a service, e.g. a HTTP service 
that can be called (asynchronously) with User ID and VPN IPs to trigger 
firewall changes.


So as soon as a VPN client calls the API on "/connect" (and WireGuard is 
used) a callback could be triggered and call your HTTP service that then 
in turn modifies the firewall. On the "/disconnect" API call, those 
rules would be undone.

Do you have such a service? I guess you do for the "our own" users 
scenario. This could potentially be used.

I'd like to avoid making our VPN service also a firewall management 
system (as we prefer to service bulk usage scenarios). We *could* do 
something like this, but that would be a separate project that is for 
example based on firewalld and called through dbus or something.

What are your thoughts on this?


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