[eduVPN-deploy] Fixed IP - ccd

Frank Weis Frank.Weis at cgie.lu
Tue Jul 26 16:37:03 CEST 2022

Hi again,

as I'm not in production, atm, I can easily switch to the development release. I will see if I can do this tomorrow.

I will be offline next week, but other than that, I will be available over the summer.

As we use this in the 'Institute Access' scenario, UDP-only is not blocking:  we grant access to third parties (mostly), we get to define the rules.

Requirements: we are flexible as long as we can call something with userID and IP address upon connect/disconnect. Whether it's a url to call, or a shell command... whatever suits #82 best is OK for us.

Thanks a lot,


On 26.07.22 16:14, François Kooman wrote:

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On 26.07.22 15:00, Frank Weis wrote:
Hi François,

Hi Frank,

I'm not sure about all the implications of using wireguard only (apart
from superior bandwidth and better scalability :-) ). It seems to work
out of the box on Android, Linux and Windows 10, I guess it will be the
same for Apple operating systems.

WireGuard works everywhere OpenVPN also works (Linux, macOS, iOS,
Windows, Android). Also with the eduVPN/Let's Connect! apps.

A potential problem is when devices try to connect from networks that
have UDP traffic blocked. WireGuard does not support TCP (at all).

Is ToDo#82 something to hold one's breath for, or is it further away still?

It helps if you have the resources to help test this using our
development releases of the server, in addition help us with the exact
requirements, provide feedback and not disappear for months ;-)

That being said, it doesn't seem like it would be too much work, should
be doable in a couple of weeks until reaching a production release and
having written documentation.


Frank Weis
Conseiller informaticien

Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse
Centre de gestion informatique de l’éducation

eduPôle - Walferdange
Route de Diekirch, L-7220 Walferdange
Adresse postale : B.P. 98, L-7201 Bereldange

Tél. Helpdesk: (+352) 247-85999 . Tél. Secrétariat: (+352) 247-85970 .Fax : (+352) 247-85174
E-mail : Frank.Weis at cgie.lu<mailto:Frank.Weis at cgie.lu>
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