[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] Update to SCZ incoming ... COmanage 3.2 up next

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl
Tue Nov 27 12:10:53 CET 2018

Hi all.

Fy: we expect to be updating SCZ at the end of the day. Changes can be found at https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/SCZ/v0.7 .

The next SCZ release, which we’re already testing and hope to release soon after this release, will contain a new version of COmanage, 3.2, which contains improvements some of our pilot partners are waiting for. More info about COmanage 3.2: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/COmanage/COmanage+Product+Roadmap .

By the way: yesterday we noticed a problem with signing in to the COmanage pilot environment, https://comanage.pilot.scz.lab.surf.nl/registry/ (we’ve fixed it, and have not received reports anyone noticed, which can either be good or bad 😉).

Based on many conversations and presentations about the development of SCZ, SURF management wants more clarity before proceeding to the next stage of service development. We don’t expect this to influence the total time the project takes, it’s merely a change in at what maturity the service needs to be before we’re allowed to proceed to the next phase of service development.

We’re also in contact with GÉANT which is developing a SCZ-like service, offering COmanage as part of their software stack, next to alternatives like Hexaa and Perun. We will investigate possibilities to further join forces.

Also, we’ve had a UX-expert interview people from 5 pilots to get a better idea of how pilots are using SCZ and what the UI might look like.

These, and other things will be presented at the meeting on December 19th. If you haven’t received an invitation and want to join: please let me know, so we can try to get a room big enough for the number of people.

Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions etc!

Kindest regards,

Raoul Teeuwen

SURFnet | Productmanager Trust & Identity | Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne) | Moreelsepark 48 - 3511 EP Utrecht | tel:0887873496 | tel:+31641195989 | raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl<mailto:raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl> | www.surfnet.nl<http://www.surfnet.nl> | www.surf.nl/route<https://www.surf.nl/route>

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