[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] Update COmanage-development and (small) SCZ update

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl
Wed Mar 6 09:03:14 CET 2019

Hi all.

Just a small update from the SCZ project team:

  *   For the TU/e we have connected a Nextcloud instance to SCZ
  *   Many pilots are chipping away and making progress in connecting services
  *   At an international identity meeting in February the SCZ team shared what we are doing in NL with SCZ, as well as COmanage UX findings … our presentations were met with interest, and one outcome was a meeting in the US planned around the Internet2 Global Summit to discuss the findings in our pilots and see how COmanage users from around the world would like to move ahead with COmanage development. As the starter of that discussion, we felt it would be good to make resources available to attend that meeting. First signs is that that meeting was very productive, and we are going to monitor and contribute in effects in the coming months (and years?).
  *   As we assume changes in COmanage will take considerable effort and therefor time, and since we felt we had enough insight in needs or our pilots, some software from the past that could help and a very good developer, we decided to see whether we could build a ‘light’ replacement for COmanage in the SCZ software stack that only displays the options our pilots need, in a fresh interface, on API-based code. We are finishing the first build and will test it with interested pilots. We don’t have much to show just yet, but you can find a screenshot and URL at https://edu.nl/7wmda
  *   VUmc is planning to move ahead with the Azure based research environment we connected to SCZ
  *   SURFsara is working hard on Research Cloud which is connected to SCZ
  *   March 12 we host a session to discuss ideas for the trust/policy-framework we need for SCZ

We hope all pilots that run into problems tell us, so we can see whether and how we can help.

In case you have any questions, concerns, ideas etc: please let me know. Kindest regards,

Raoul Teeuwen

SURFnet | Productmanager Trust & Identity | Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne) | Moreelsepark 48 - 3511 EP Utrecht | tel:0887873496 | tel:+31641195989 | raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl<mailto:raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl> | www.surfnet.nl<http://www.surfnet.nl> | www.surf.nl/route<https://www.surf.nl/route>

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