[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] Action needed if you want to stay informed about SURF Research Access Management

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surf.nl
Tue Dec 1 20:08:12 CET 2020


If you want to keep being informed about SURF Research Access Management (SRAM), please subscribe to the new list at https://list.surfnet.nl/mailman/listinfo/sram-announce .

As you might have heard, SRAM has officially launched<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv32x3P5WzY&list=PLD36B9313CEC80A71&index=1&t=5602s> as service during the What's Next @ SURFconext-event<https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/surfconextdev/Antwoorden+op+de+vragen+die+tijdens+What%27s+Next+@+SURFconext+zijn+gesteld#AntwoordenopdevragendietijdensWhat'sNext at SURFconextzijngesteld-Zijndeopnames,voormijncollega'sdieernunietbijzijn,terugtekijken?> on November 17th.

This mailinglist, projectscz-fiam at list.surfnet.nl<mailto:projectscz-fiam at list.surfnet.nl>, has been used in the project SCZ phase of what has led to SRAM. Since SRAM is now a service, we have set up a mailinglist with that name, for announcements regarding SRAM. Since we can't rename the project-list, we have set up a new list, and in line with the GDPR we need you to actively subscribe. As a service, I offer to subscribe you if you reply by email to me that you want to be subscribed to the new list.

This will be the last message on this list. If you want to stay informed about SRAM, please subscribe at https://list.surfnet.nl/mailman/listinfo/sram-announce .

In case you missed it: a video about SRAM and more can be found on the SRAM wiki, including how to contact us, at https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/sram .

Thank you for joining and supporting us during the project phase, and hope to see you on the new list!

Kindest regards,

SURF Trust & Identity

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