[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] SRAM: another step taken, thanks, expecting formal production status 'any minute now', production platform ready for beta testing

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl
Thu Jun 25 11:51:31 CEST 2020

Hi all.

Good news: the SURF Portfolio Advisory (SPA) committee<https://www.surf.nl/en/governance> has on june 23rd advised for SRAM to proceed to production. Thank you all for contributions, testing, informing your management and representatives etc.

So is SRAM officially o.k. to proceed to production state? Well, formally the Coordinating SURF Contact (CSC) chair people<https://www.surf.nl/en/organisation-and-management/coordinating-surf-contacts> have to ratify the advise of the SPA, after which the SURF board has the final say. We don't expect any problems, but as they say: don't start selling hides before the bear is dead :wink:. We are currently trying to find out at what dates the CSC and SURF board will be able to give their go's. We will update when we have confirmation of dates on that.

The technical platform is ready in principle, and we will use the time until we get a formal GO to work out most remaining bugs and issues. We already have some institutions and service providers trying out the new platform: if you also would like to connect to the new beta-to-be-production platform, please contact us. You can use sram-support at surf.nl for any questions about SRAM!

Kindest regards,

The SURF SRAM-team.
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