[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] SCZ has a second 'Membership Management Service', next to COmanage. And you can try it out!

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl
Thu Apr 11 12:20:32 CEST 2019

Hi all.

Last Tuesday we did a SCZ workshop during the annual What’s Next @ SURFconext meeting.

A little background: on https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/SCZ/Technical+overview+of+SCZ#TechnicaloverviewofSCZ-Usedcomponents we’ve laid out the parts that make up SCZ. One of which is a ‘Membership Management Service’ (MMS), for which until now we ‘only’ had COmanage. But some of our pilots gave us feedback about COmanage. We discussed that with the COmanage developers, and that made us conclude it could take a while before COmanage would make all of our pilots happy. Based on past experience and code, we thought we could build our own MMS that would deliver the features many of our pilots need, while addressing the issues. Basically, COmanage is a very feature rich MMS, but, also over time, this has cluttered the user interface, which also makes it easy to miss a selection box etc.

So we’ve build our own MMS, currently called SBS (Dutch for Collaboration Management System, SamenwerkingsBeheerSysteem).

This MMS will exist next to COmanage.

Anyway, thanks to hard work by the SCZ developers, we were able to do a workshop with the new SBS MMS. We’ve created a script anyone can follow. So if you want to check out SBS, please check out https://wiki.surfnet.nl/display/SCZ/SCZ+demo+SBS .

Kindest regards,

Raoul Teeuwen

SURFnet | Productmanager Trust & Identity | Kantoren Hoog Overborch (Hoog Catharijne) | Moreelsepark 48 - 3511 EP Utrecht | tel:0887873496 | tel:+31641195989 | raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl<mailto:raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl> | www.surfnet.nl<http://www.surfnet.nl> | route: www.surf.nl/over-surf/contact-met-surf<https://www.surf.nl/over-surf/contact-met-surf>

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