[ProjectSCZ-FIAM] FW: [comanage-users] Help us decide what is in the first set of COmanage training materials!

Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen at surfnet.nl
Tue Jun 11 16:45:39 CEST 2019

Beste all.

Zie aub hieronder een oproep van Internet2 over welk training-materiaal rond COmanage ze zouden moeten ontwikkelen. Ze willen ook graag input van buiten de US.

Fyi: voor de korte termijn zet SURF voor SCZ in op SBS als ‘Membership Management System’ (MMS; COmanage is ook ‘een’ MMS, net als Hexaa en Perun). Voor de langere termijn blijft SURF vooralsnog kijken naar of en hoe we internationaal COmanage beter kunnen maken en ook voor instellingen in NL interessant kan zijn, en welke aanpassingen dat evt vergt.

Bepaal aub zelf kritisch of je dus tijd wil steken in deze (korte) COmanage survey,

With kindest regards, met vriendelijke groet,

On 06/06/2019, 14:48, "comanage-users-request at internet2.edu<mailto:comanage-users-request at internet2.edu> on behalf of Laura Paglione" <comanage-users-request at internet2.edu<mailto:comanage-users-request at internet2.edu> on behalf of lpaglione at sphericalcowgroup.com<mailto:lpaglione at sphericalcowgroup.com>> wrote:
Hi to all of you fantastic COmanage users (current and future!)
To reiterate an email that you may have gotten from Erin Murtha, Internet2 is in the process of expanding its learning opportunities and this includes a new set of training materials for COmanage. Since it is not possible to create everything at once, we need your input to ensure that the materials created in this first round are as helpful and effective as possible from the start.
We enthusiastically invite you to provide your input on how we should be prioritizing training material development.Please complete this short 5-question (7-minute) survey to help guide us on how to direct our resources.
 Thanks in advance for your input!
 Best, Laura
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Laura Paglione
about.me/lpaglione <https://about.me/lpaglione?promo=email_sig&utm_source=product&utm_medium=email_sig&utm_campaign=edit_panel&utm_content=thumb>
Innovation • Technology • Creation
lpaglione at SphericalCowGroup.com<mailto:lpaglione at sphericalcowgroup.com>

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